March 15, 2024
Hello hello! I've been back for a few days now, but from the 4th - 12th (originally 11th lol, I'll get there), I was in Italy! My boyfriend had a work conference where he actually made a presentation, and it went super well! His job requires him to travel quite a bit, which is a nice perk for me because then I get to go to cool places heueueueue (^_−)☆
We left on the 4th and arrived on the 5th, which gave Joel a full day to explore before he had to do work stuff. We sort of took it easy on the first day, just to get our bearings and look around Florence. The second day we went to the Galileo museum! It was super cool to see the history of all the famous astronomers, along with the telescopes they used. There were also *huge* globes everywhere, and they also had Galileo's right middle finger just chilling there? Not sure why, but it was interesting to say the least!

Later that day we found a cat cafe that only had a specific breed of cat, and they were so pretty! I went to the cafe twice during my trip, and the last time I went, one of the cats sat on my lap! Then Joel had to attend his conference's opening ceremony, so I went to the Gucci Garden, which is a museum where the original House of Gucci is. It was small, but it was full of interactive sets and videos, and it had a great collection of shoes, purses, and outfits worn by celebrities throughout the decades.

The next couple days were just a lot of walking and exploring. I walked up to Piazza Michelangelo and got an awesome view of the city. It was raining for a lot of our trip, but I got lucky that morning. We did end up going back to this spot at night on our last day because...our flight home got canceled on the 11th! So we had an impromptu extra day. For some reason our luck with flying is so terrible - cancelations, delays, tight or missed connections, etc. - so at this point I honestly just expect something to go wrong every time I travel (even though our flights there were perfect).

And here are some miscellaneous images of the city, including our day trip to Lucca, which was a walled city about two hours west of Florence. Florence is such a cool city, and I'd highly recommend visiting, especially if you're an art afficianado or a foodie!

In other news:
- I updated the Tamagotchi section! We're tracking a new tama and going for a perfect run. Though it hasn't had any discipline calls yet so I'm getting a little worried... (since writing this I've had 1 discipline call! So it's at 25% now which...isn't great for my attempted Mimitchi run XD)
- I FINALLY got my Marin Kitagawa figure. I had to ultimately cancel my RightStufAnime order I made over a year ago (Sept 2022) because their acquistion into Crunchyroll kind of messed everything up. Also just ordering from anywhere other than AmiAmi seems to be just abysmal.

I think that's it, haha. bye for now! ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ