June 5, 2024

Oh my goodness, I can't believe it's already June. Sorry about the site neglect - I've actually been working on my "professional" website, including finally putting up another piece of work for my portfolio. Every now and then, something happens at work that makes me think the sky is falling, which then puts my butt in gear to update my resume and work presence online. This was one of those times

Let's see, what's been happening the last month or so:

Not too much on the docket for June - I think we're going to see Joe Hisaishi at the end of the month? Joel didn't seem too sure if we actually got tickets for that or not, so I guess we'll see!

As far as this site goes, I do need to make some updates. I need to add the buttons for websites I've followed more recently, and then I think the next project will be getting a proper blog archive built. Might be a good excuse to have me practice using some frameworks.

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