June 28, 2024
Happy end of June. It's been so rainy here this month, but I honestly don't mind. In fact, it's raining right now and it makes everything in my home feel so cozy. We did run out of coffee this morning though, which is not helpful...debating on whether or not I want to go across the street to get a cup or if I can make it through the day without it.
Yesterday I took the afternoon off of work, since it was so nice (and cool!) out. I took Shiro to a local cafe to buy myself lunch and get him a pup cup, then we went to the nature park near my place and had a little picnic and walked around. It was so nice and serene - I should take him on adventurous walks like this more often. It's good for him and me.
Joel and I are off to see Joe Hisaishi perform tomorrow evening. It'll be fun to go into the city on a proper date lmao. We haven't gotten fancy together in a while, and Joe Hisaishi...I don't think I need to say more. It'll be so nice to hear Ghibli music live. I can't wait.