February 20, 2024
In case you missed it: the tamagotchi section is live! You can find the regular link in the toybox section. I'm really happy with the way the page turned out, and I'd love if you took a look and gave it some love! I will get back to tracking my next tama once I come back from Italy in March - I don't want to worry about obtaining a specific tama during vacation ^^;
I've been having a lot of thoughts about my career within the last week or so, mainly fueled by a second round of layoffs that happened at my work. Luckily no one on my team was affected, but it came out of nowhere and quite a few colleagues I've worked with before were affected. Of course, this made me start vigorously thinking about how I can improve my portfolio and overall presence in web design. I'm also in the middle of attending a conference about digital accessibility and it's fueling and inspiring me to figure out how to get more good notoriety within the industry.
Despite being a web designer professionally for a little under three years now, my online portfolio is dismal. I don't know if this is just because I have such terrible impostor syndrome, or if I can't satisfy myself with the design of my website (not this one), or if it's because I can't pick a single case study or project I've done in my work that I want to put into my portfolio. It's incredibly frustrating and I'm unsure of what to do, and I don't want to be caught off guard in case the layoffs that have loomed over my company come after me eventually. I don't think they will because I got the highest rating in my annual review, but...you never know.
I'm not entirely sure how to make myself stand out either as a desirable candidate. Perpetual identity crisis.

Anyway, I don't know if this is the right place to be ranting about this, but...I'm hoping to get some advice I guess? Or maybe just a sympathetic ear. I don't know lol.