August 6, 2024

A lot of the time I find myself wondering which is better: to physically own the media you love, or to live minimally? I suppose, like with everything, it's nuanced. On the one hand, I find myself staring at my shelves of manga, art books, figures, toys, blu-rays, video games, etc., and, knowing that I have more I'd like to add to my collection, give myself a panic attack because more things = more space for said things = more shelves = less space for myself. On the other, it's nice to have some sort of personality in my home. I was a big minimalist for a good portion of my 20's. I got rid of most of my clothes, I didn't collect anything, I only had the furniture I needed, and I never got rid of or replaced anything until it literally disintegrated in my hands. I like to collect things. I like knowing that if I ever want to watch or read a fave, I can just go into the next room and reach for it instead of hoping and praying my digital media service of the week didn't decide to suddenly get rid of it. The idea of one day living in a world where you own...nothing...freaks me out a little bit. But, how much should you own, then?

I will say, having this debate with myself is encouraging me to actually read and interact with what I own, and to not buy new things until I do. For example - now that I have a better idea of what manga I have, I'm only buying new volumes of manga when I've read the volumes before it that I already own. Again - freaking out about lack of space - but I'm not buying just to buy it anymore. I do need to apply this to video games, however - I have a bad habit of buying digitally and then playing a game for only a couple days before never touching it again. I have so many games I own that I haven't finished, and perhaps that's why I've felt burnt out on games for like the last three or more months. Granted, it doesn't help that video games are more and more turning into media you never truly finish, forcing you to visit them every day to complete tasks versus experiencing a game that has a clear ending.

me after logging into love nikki for the 8th time that day

coming up this month:

Not much else atm. Just felt like getting some thoughts out.